
We are here for you!

YAMI Contact Form


How do I create an account on your platform?

Provide step-by-step instructions on registering an account, including any verification processes required.

What payment methods are accepted on your website?

Detail the types of payment options available, such as credit/debit cards, bank transfers, mobile money, etc.

How secure are transactions on your platform?

Explain the security measures in place to protect user information and ensure secure transactions.

Can I top up airtime and data for any network provider?

Clarify which mobile networks are supported for airtime and data purchases through your platform.

How long does it take for airtime and data to be credited after purchase?

Provide information on the typical processing time for airtime and data top-ups.

Do you charge any fees for using your payment services?

Outline any fees or charges associated with transactions, including currency conversion fees if applicable.

Can I schedule payments for my utility bills in advance?

Explain whether users can set up recurring or scheduled payments for utility bills and how to do so.

What happens if my payment for a utility bill or subscription fails?

Describe the procedures for handling failed payments and any associated notifications or alerts.

Is there a minimum or maximum amount for payments on your platform?

Specify any limits or thresholds for transactions, such as minimum amounts for purchases or maximum amounts for bill payments.

How can I contact customer support for assistance?

Provide contact information for customer support, including options for phone support, email inquiries, and live chat if available.


Use cases




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